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ATTENTION: People who are ready to create the ultimate independence

What if You Could Be Immune to the Chaos of Our World?


People who are ready to create the ultimate independence

What if You Could Be Immune to the Chaos of Our World?

If you've been watching your paycheck shrink

and feeling compelled to rethink your family's systems and finances...

If you're tired of being dependent on the grocery store, especially as the prices climb each and every week...

If you watch the news and election updates and feel completely fed up with the current state of the world...

Then take the next three minutes to make sure you don’t miss any of the important details shared below.

If you've been watching your paycheck shrink and your feeling compelled to rethink your family's systems and finances...

If you're tired of being dependent on the grocery store, especially as the prices climb each and every week...

If you watch the news and election updates and feel completely fed up with the current state of the world...

Then take the next three minutes to make sure you don’t miss any of the important details shared below.

There's no shortage of alarming headlines...

Inflation is hitting new highs. The chaos of an election year has ensued. Global unrest is increasing.

The world may feel unstable.

But you don't have to.

There's no shortage of alarming headlines...

Inflation is hitting new highs. The chaos of an election year has ensued. Global unrest is increasing.

The world may feel unstable.

But you don't have to

the hard truth:

No one is coming to save you.

But you don't need them to.

There’s a proven way to ensure your home & family thrives, no matter what the world may throw at you.

And it's NOT by living in fear, panic, or believing that "the sky is falling!"

You can't control the world's chaos...

But you can control of what happens within your four walls.

When most people face uncertain times, they go into fight or flight mode.

They respond by:

  • Watching too much news and living in a chronic state of panic

  • Hoping the government will swoop in and save the day

  • Spending thousands of dollars on survival food and supplies that they'll never use

  • Battening down the hatches and praying they’ll weather the storm

  • Pinching pennies and hoping they scrape by

  • Living in a state of constant scarcity and inaction

But friend, we aren't "most people"

Here’s the truth:

This isn’t the first bout of turmoil in our lifetimes and it won’t be the last.

Governments, nations, and economies are cyclical.

And within these cycles, you have a choice ------>

You can float along with the fearful masses and wait to scroll by the next scary headline...


You can build systems that make your family & finances stronger

(And it's easier than you think.)

But friend, we aren't "most people"

Here’s the truth:

This isn’t the first bout of turmoil in our lifetimes and it won’t be the last.

Governments, nations, and economies are cyclical.

And within these cycles, you have a choice ------>

You can float along with the fearful masses and wait to scroll by the next scary headline...


You can build systems that make your family & finances stronger

(And it's easier than you think)

Create a Resilient Home & Homestead, No Matter the Times

My family and I have been through this before.

In fact, we bought and built our homestead during the height of the Great Recession, when the rest of the world was melting down.

When COVID-19 hit, our day-to-day life changed very little, thanks to the systems and processes we had set up years prior.

Despite the chaos and supply change shortages around us, we were virtually untouched.

You can't put a price tag on that sort of peace of mind.

We’re living proof that this is possible.

Here’s the deal:

Historically, when times get

tough, people look to the land for answers.

It happened during the Great Depression, it happened during the turmoil of the 1970s, and it's happening again right now.


Generic (aka unhelpful) homesteading advice abounds.

You don't need more random information-- you need a clear and targeted roadmap.


res-sil-i-ent / ri-ˈzil-yənt / adjective

Something that recovers from or adjusts easily to misfortune or change

A resilient homestead not only weathers the storm...

But grows stronger in the process.

Our homestead has become more productive through the years, despite the ups and downs of life, job changes, recessions, and pandemics...

And I want the same for you.


(Formerly known as The Recession Proof Homestead)

Proven strategies for creating a thriving homestead no matter what the world throws at you

The Resilient Homestead helps motivated people create the next level of peace & stability for their families.

You’ll Learn:

  • How we've built a food production system that allows us to grow 60-70% of everything we eat (and how I source the rest without a grocery store)

  • The steps we follow that allow us to sleep like a baby and not live in fear of "what's coming next"

  • How you can create your own island of peace in a chaotic world, even if you don't own land

  • Slash your grocery budget by as much as 5% with something that takes less than 15 minutes per day.

  • How to save hundreds of dollars by buying in bulk (and which foods you should never bulk-buy)

  • How to stop being dependent on the feed store and reduce your animal feed bill by at least 50%

  • The vegetables you need to be growing to reduce your trips to the grocery store

  • Insider tricks for growing food all winter long, even if you live in a cold climate (the more you grow, the less you buy!)

  • My #1 strategies for boosting your soil health for more consistent growth and yields (all the sweat you pour into your garden won’t matter if you have bad soil.)

  • How to stop being dependent on the feed store for your farm needs.

  • My tried-and-true "peasant food" recipes that will teach how how to master the art of cooking with ingredients from the earth.

  • The preservation and canning mistakes that are costing you more $$

  • Which farm animals are most productive and cost-effective (and which ones will drain your bank account.)

  • How we set up our finances in 2008 that enabled our bank account to thrive, regardless of what was happening with the economy

  • How we've built a food production system that allows us to grow 60-70% of everything we eat

    (and how I source the rest without a grocery store)

  • The steps we follow that allow us to sleep like a baby and not live in fear of "what's coming next"

  • How you can create your own island of peace in a chaotic world, even if you don't own land

  • Slash your grocery budget by as much as 5%

    with something that takes less than 15 minutes per day.

  • How to save hundreds of dollars by buying in bulk (and which foods you should never bulk-buy)

  • How to stop being dependent on the feed store and reduce your animal feed bill by at least 50%

  • The vegetables you need to be growing to reduce your trips to the grocery store

  • Insider tricks for growing food all winter long, even if you live in a cold climate

  • My #1 strategies for guaranteeing more consistent growth and yields in your garden

  • How to stop being dependent on the feed store for your farm needs.

  • My tried-and-true "peasant food" recipes

    that will teach how how to master the art of cooking with ingredients from the earth.

  • The preservation and canning mistakes that are costing you more $$

  • Which farm animals are most productive and cost-effective (and which ones will drain your bank account.)

  • How we set up our finances in 2008 that enabled our bank account to thrive, regardless of what was happening with the economy

Module #1:

The Resilient Bank Account

Financial stability isn’t a mystery-- it’s simple math. I’ll walk you through the exact steps we took over a decade ago that helped us to stabilize our finances, build our homestead, and even start multiple businesses. All while never losing sleep over our bank account. I don't worry about our budget when I lay my head on the pillow at night and this is why. And you can do all of this, even if you own ZERO acres!

Module #2:

The Resilient Garden

There are hobby gardens and then there are gardens that actually fill your pantry and freezers. It’s one thing to start a garden, but it’s entirely different to start a garden that is maximized for real food production. In this series of videos, I’ll take you into my garden and show you exactly how I’m saving cash AND keeping my growing spaces more productive than ever. (P.S. You don't need acreage to use these ideas!)

Module #3:

The Resilient Kitchen

Whether you live in the city or country, the kitchen remains the #1 place where you can stabilize your family's food security. From simple from-scratch techniques, to mastering the art of “peasant food,” I’ll show you how to save hundreds of dollars each month and create the ultimate 'pantry of peace' via your own kitchen laboratory.

Module #4:

The Resilient Barnyard

Livestock can be a major asset or a huge liability-- the choice is yours. In these videos, I’ll share my top strategies for producing a year’s supply of eggs, milk, and meat and not breaking the bank in the process. And even if you don't own a farm, these videos will help you make better choices in finding local farm-fresh foods so you can reduce your grocery-store dependence even further.


Leave Your Mortgage

In this exclusive training with mortgage expert Michael Lush, you'll learn to pay off your mortgage faster than you ever thought possible by using math, not magic, so you can own your homestead outright and create more financial freedom.


Quick Start

Garden Guides

No garden yet? No problem. These quick start guides will help you launch your own victory garden, start seeds, and grow more food regardless of where you live.


No Land? No Problem!

Feeling discouraged by high real estate prices and skyrocketing interest rates? Take heart, because you have more options than you think! These BRAND NEW bonus trainings will help you think outside the box and create a plan for securing the property of your dreams.


Learn How to Leave Your Mortgage

In this exclusive training with mortgage expert Michael Lush, you'll learn to pay off your mortgage faster than you ever thought possible by using math, not magic, so you can own your homestead outright and create more financial freedom.


Quick Start Garden Guides

No garden yet? No problem. These quick start guides will help you launch your own victory garden, start seeds, and grow more food regardless of where you live.


No Land, No Problem!

Feeling discouraged by high real estate prices and skyrocketing interest rates? Take heart, because you have more options than you think! These BRAND NEW bonus trainings will help you think outside the box and create a plan for securing the homestead of your dreams.

The Resilient Homestead is For You If:

  • You're new to homesteading & want to get the best start possible

  • You're an experienced homesteader who wants to streamline your systems & stop money leaks

  • You're tired of the fear-based homesteading mindset and want practical, sane ideas that yield real results

The Resilient Homestead is NOT For You If:

  • You're just seeking advice to survive the end of the world or the zombie apocalypse

  • You want easy answers and aren't willing to put in the work.

  • You're stuck in your ways and don't want to think outside of the box.

What's Included

  • Module #1: The Resilient Bank Account (Value $197)

  • Module #2: The Resilient Garden (Value $197)

  • Module #3: The Resilient Kitchen (Value $197)

  • Module #4: The Resilient Barnyard (Value $197)

  • BONUS: Leave Your Mortgage Training (Value $97)

  • BONUS: Garden Quick Start Guide (Value $97)

  • BONUS: No Land, No Problem! Training (Value $30)

  • BONUS: Land Buying Strategies Training (Value $67)

Total Value: $1,079

Regular Price: $97

Your Price: $67

Here’s the Truth:

The most productive & happy homesteads are built out of love, not fear.

I don't have a crystal ball and I can't predict the future.

But I do know that we have a choice:

We can lay awake at night and panic about the latest fear-filled headlines...


We can shut off the news, plunge our hands into the soil, and focus on what we can control.

The former yields more fear and panic.

The latter yields peace, security, and wholesome food.

Which one will you choose, my friend?

What's Included

  • Module #1: The Resilient Bank Account (Value $197)

  • Module #2: The Resilient Garden (Value $197)

  • Module #3: The Resilient Kitchen (Value $197)

  • Module #4: The Resilient Barnyard (Value $197)

  • BONUS: Leave Your Mortgage Training (Value $97)

  • BONUS: Garden Quick Start Guide (Value $97)

  • BONUS: No Land, No Problem! Training (Value $30)

  • BONUS: Land Buying Strategies Training (Value $67)

Total Value: $1,079

Regular Price: $97

Your Price: $67

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